The main issue here is the small amount of time we have been in business. We simply don't currently have the means to obtain and sell suppliers quite yet. That will change extremely soon, and before you can blink we will have even more products to offer, but for now, what you see is all we have.
Basically, we are working to our max trying to get approved by a variety of manufacturers. This, like everything else worthwhile, takes a bit of time, regardless of effort put in. But rest assured, the amount of time and waiting is at a complete minimum.
The Copyright © 2020 Fortress Lacrosse - All Rights VERY Reserved.
Based in Marin County, and serving the lacrosse community of Mill Valley, Novato, Petaluma, Corte Madera, Strawberry, Sonoma, Napa, Lucas Valley, Santa Rosa, and San Francisco
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