Simply don't have enough money to offer it. It's not a vibe, to be completely honest. Fortunately though, we will soon have enough money, and then we'll be offering some really spectacular stuff.
Put quite simply, we need more money. This will change, of course. But the only way that will change is if the customers continue to buy, and in return, we will offer our services to the highest standard.
We don't have a deal with enough suppliers to offer much equipment. Short and to the point.
We will soon be getting a few different suppliers, allowing us to sell much more products, and give us the ability to offer you some really fantastic things.
Super soon. Right now we're thinking January. Which isn't really super soon, but we'll be putting men's equipment in the store as soon as possible, and as soon as possible is looking to be January.
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Based in Marin County, and serving the lacrosse community of Mill Valley, Novato, Petaluma, Corte Madera, Strawberry, Sonoma, Napa, Lucas Valley, Santa Rosa, and San Francisco
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