A large part of online shopping is the "Does it work?" question. Does it fit? Will it live up to expectations? At Fortress, we work to eliminate that question, to the best of our abilities. The custom care program is the first step. We'll meet you at a place of your choosing, and make sure that you get the best product for you.
Aside from knowing everything you need to know when buying, we'll make sure it's up to your standards. Not everybody has the time or experience to research the best possible head and shaft combination, and even if you did, there are so many things to think about it can be dizzying. So, when we meet you, we can use our extensive knowledge to help you, in the best manner possible.
Masks and gloves to begin. We will travel with a box of disposable gloves, to no two customers will have any connections. Second, we will clean everything we bring to you beforehand, so you won't be touching anything that hasn't been sanitized.
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Based in Marin County, and serving the lacrosse community of Mill Valley, Novato, Petaluma, Corte Madera, Strawberry, Sonoma, Napa, Lucas Valley, Santa Rosa, and San Francisco
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